Biologisch afbreekbare en duurzame 3D-printfilamenten

Circulaire printmaterialen

Terug naar de natuur in minder dan een generatie


Bij ColorFabb geloven we in het creëren van duurzame oplossingen voor 3D-printen.
Ons doel is om een zo licht mogelijke afdruk op het milieu achter te laten
en een positieve impact te maken waar mogelijk.

Onze reeks bioplastics en biopolymeren, waaronder allPHA, gerecycled PLA en Vibers,
is ontworpen om plasticafval en CO2 te verminderen en bij te dragen aan een circulaire economie.




100% natuurlijk filament voor milieuvriendelijk 3D-printen

Ons allPHA-filament is 100% biologisch afbreekbaar en bevat geen microplastics.
Het wordt geproduceerd door bacteriële fermentatie en biedt een unieke kans om
een positieve impact op het milieu te hebben tijdens het 3D-printen.


Innovation Playground


PHA is een polymeer dat wordt gemaakt door micro-organismen via fermentatie – vergelijkbaar met het proces dat je dagelijkse yoghurt of vrijdagavondbier creëert.
PHA is volledig biologisch afbreekbaar en laat geen toxische microplastics achter.

Unique Filaments

No Such thing as waste.

PHA that accidentally does not end in waste collection schemes can be biodegraded safely by nature itself.
Print leftovers can be food for the crops in your garden.. if you want (see below how this works).

Sustainable Filaments

Our bio-friendly recipe

Different kinds of bacteria produce different kinds of PHA. PHA is difficult to use by itself.
So, we at ColorFabb combine multiple kinds of PHA to make it into a versatile filament. We only add bio-friendly additives to facilitate properties, effects and colors, to make sure that our filament is 100% biobased and fully biodegradable!

How it works - from product to compost


In just a few months, your 3D prints made with allPHA can return to nature as compost. Here’s how it works...


Innovation Playground


We at colorFabb tirelessly test our products in different environments. A few months ago we put a few allPHA prints in our compost heap to measure decomposition.

Unique Filaments


If you look closely at the print, you can even see tiny critters having made it their home!

Sustainable Filaments


In only a few months time, the print has already started decomposing. It has become a home to many different organisms and has started its new journey towards being fully biodegraded back into the earth.


One of colorFabb’s allPHA sustainable filaments

AllPHA is 100% biobased and 100% biodegradable in any biotope, without leaving microplastics. It’s created by a naturally occurring process called fermentation.

  • 100% biodegradable
  • 100% biobased
  • No Warping
  • No microplastics




Filament with elephant grass

VIBERS is our sustainable PLA filament, enhanced with 10% elephant grass. This
fast-growing grass absorbs four times the CO2 of a typical European forest.


Green vibes only

Green vibes only

VIBERS is an eco-friendly alternative to traditional PLA. This filament is biobased, made with elephant grass grown on non-agricultural land without additional resources.

A splash of color

A splash of color

We wouldn’t be ColorFabb if… We’ve added a pop of color to make VIBERS stand out, with visible cellulose fibers visible on the surface of each 3D-printed part.

Our bio-friendly recipe

Our bio-friendly recipe

Leaving less footprints! Using elephant grass allows us to reduce the carbon footprint of this filament by a third compared to regular PLA. It comes on a cardboard spool made from recycled cardboard to further minimize plastic waste.

How it works - from product to compost


In just a few months, your 3D prints made with allPHA can return to nature as compost. Here’s how it works...


Innovation Playground


We at colorFabb tirelessly test our products in different environments. A few months ago we put a few allPHA prints in our compost heap to measure decomposition.

Unique Filaments


If you look closely at the print, you can even see tiny critters having made it their home!

Sustainable Filaments


In only a few months time, the print has already started decomposing. It has become a home to many different organisms and has started its new journey towards being fully biodegraded back into the earth.


One of colorFabb’s sustainable filaments VIBERS PLA

colorFabb Vibers PLA White creates the most
stunning smooth and matte surface finish on 3D
printed items and gives the user a chance to print
more carbon neutral.

  • Prints smooth
  • Matte finish
  • CO2 reduction



Inspiring success stories

with colorFabb


Trust us, we’ve done this before.. We specialize in transforming fresh
ideas into market-ready products and provide the expertise and
support to help your business grow and succeed.



Got a bold, innovative idea?

Let’s make it real.




Universe of stars


    from $34.01
  2. allPHA WHITE
    from $27.53
  3. allPHA BLACK
    from $27.53
    from $27.53


And hey! We keep leveling up our filaments
AND inventing new ones.

Do you want to know when your filament is
upgraded or if a new one is on the market?


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