colorFabb's Innovation Playground
B2B development programme for 3D
printing startups, scaleups an OEMS
Get a headstart on your printing journey.
We do more then just create the prefect 3D
filament- We help you grow
We explore
Your production process and business plan
Production of your custom filament in our own factory
We guide you
Through investment, feasibility, and 3D printing challenges
Business advice
Material support and help with tricky prints
Why join ColorFabb’s
Innovation Programme
If you’re tired of hearing no we can’t, or feel stuck in design, we’re the partner that dares more.
The fine print
We’ve been a leader in 3D printing materials for over a decade, offering any color filament you need and developing custom filaments..
Inspiring success stories
with colorFabb
Trust us, we’ve done this before.. We specialize in transforming fresh
ideas into market-ready products and provide the expertise and
support to help your business grow and succeed.
Universe of stars
And hey! We keep leveling up our filaments
AND inventing new ones.
Do you want to know when your filament is
upgraded or if a new one is on the market?