Let‘s Polish!
April 10, 2015
Hi and welcome back to metal printing,
I finaly got my first busts back from the polisher. It‘s pretty impressive, the material changed fully from dull and shineless to a real metal look. Now I‘m wondering if there is the possibility to achieve this finishing at home too. I tested different kinds of polishing which everyone of us could use at home: Trumbling with screws, ceramic and steel; polishing with steelwhool and sandpaper and (my favorite!) „Dremel“- tools. I like this methode and what is possible with it. But it is still far away from professional polishing. The professional one looks like real metal and mine looks more like shine plastic.
So I would like to hear about your methodes and the experiences with it. Did you already try to polish your metal prints? And if yes how does it look and what did you find out?
On the left side you can see the professional polished bust in comparison with an unpolished one. And on the right side is an unfinished print which I used for testing the Dremel – tools for polishing.